Oh la la! Did that title post catch your attention? :)
Yes, my friends, I've been keeping a very BIG secret from y'all. I didn't mean to, but had to for personal reasons. I am now ready to share my SECRET with you. As you have probably noticed and I've mentioned it many times in my previous posts, I've been a bit MIA these days, weeks, and months. I have been visiting your blogs, but haven't been so faithful in commenting on your blogs during this time, sorry. Yes, it's due to being very busy with family activities and just life itself. However, something greater has come my way that has literally knocked me off my feet and onto my back! I'm extremely exhausted all the time and need my daily nap during the day. Sleeping early is a must to get through the next day. Okay, here's some pictures to help me explain:

So, now my secret is out! I'm expecting baby #3 in November! I have lots to be thankful for especially since this is my miracle baby, LITERALLY! My son and daughter are both miracles already - - - my hubby and I were unable to conceive naturally and sought a specialist to help us get pregnant. With this pregnancy, it was all God-doing, no help from any doctor! We are BLESSED!
I just want to thank all of you in advance for continuing to stop by. I'm hoping that things will get better and I'll start to have more energy to get some things done. Let me tell you, I struggle to just put together a card! Some of the 3D projects that I've done recently, well, those took me weeks to complete. It's been hard, but seeing all that you're creating gives me strength and motivation! I'll end my rambling here . . .